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What to Expect

Clermont FL Chiropractor: Consultation and Treatment Plan

Individuals who have never visited a chiropractor before may feel understandable uncertainty or even anxiety about what such a visit entails. Here at Michaux Family Chiropractic, we want to assure our first-time patients that they will encounter a welcoming and soothing environment dedicated to their comfort as well as to their health and wellness. Our Clermont FL chiropractor will not only relieve their pain or other symptoms, but will also help them gain a better understanding of exactly what the underlying problem is and how our natural treatment methods can correct it.

Wellness Care in Clermont FL

Our clinic offers three phases of care -- relief care, corrective/restorative care and wellness care. Phase one is urgent for patients who have suffered an acute injury and/or are in extreme pain. In this phase we focus on relieving the immediate physical distress. While some cases may show dramatic results from the first session, typically we require 2 to 3 sessions per week over 4 to 12 weeks to fully resolve the symptoms. 

Phase two is also critical, as it involves an extended healing process that helps ensure long-term relief rather than a "quick fix." During this phase we may combine additional spinal adjustments with rehabilitative modalities such as physical therapy, building up the strength and flexibility of injured or underused muscles and connective tissues. This type of care also helps prevent adhesions, unnatural internal scarring that can cause chronic pain and stiffness in the soft tissues.

The third phase of care should not be overlooked, even if the patient has recovered fully. This phase focuses on preventing future injuries or illnesses from occurring. Regular maintenance adjustments, for instance, can help patients avoid flare-ups of back trouble or nerve pain, while an ongoing exercise and diet regimen can help them control their weight and get the nutrients they need to remain well. Our Clermont chiropractor feels that it is infinitely easier and more sensible to keep a body well than to perform extensive corrections over and over again.

What to Expect from Your Initial Chiropractic Visit

We must develop a thorough understanding of each patient's current state of health before prescribing care. This process begins with a thorough medical history including personal and family medical histories, current health complaints and other data that help to fill in the big picture to find the best treatment plan for you. A chiropractic examination follows in which the spinal alignment, posture, reflexes, neurological condition and orthopedic considerations are evaluated. Following this evaluation, our Clermont chiropractor will then talk about your condition, which treatment options appear most promising, and the cost of these various options. At that point you may receive your first treatment session if you wish. We invite anyone seeking relief from acute or chronic pain to contact our Clermont chiropractor for an initial consultation.


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General Office Hours

Doctor adjusting times may vary- Please call for additional info

Accepting Calls 24/Hours


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm




8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm





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